The Adventures In The Land Of Fae From One Forest To Another Prolog It is the start of a new week and the four little girls are all back in school with Alexa. She told one of the elves about letting the girls have some fun with art during the second half of the day so she went to get the art room ready for them. Tamari got a small bag of gems for Megan and Garlum so they could buy their own house but neither of them knew anything about finding a house or what to do with the gems. Gwyneira did as Yeanny told her and went a different town to exchange the gems into gold coins then took the two out looking for a place for them but on the other side of town. Nessie was now doing great at making tulips everywhere and different colours now also. Hennie figured she better start teaching her how to make other types of plants and flowers before Eden turned in to a land of tulips. Yeanny still had not met many of Alexa's team but didn't want to just show up somewhere with out being with someone that knew them. She couldn't think of anyone that would have the time to take her to meet any of them so she decided to forget about it for now. Ivy was working in the cove when she suddenly remembered that she told Samantha that she would talk to the sprites and pixies in her old forest so she was going to get Tobias to go with her. That way her old friends could see she had a boyfriend and was not sad and mad anymore. Tempressa was now getting very bored at home even though she now had lots of friends that visited her, she missed her team mates and the fun they had together. She decided it was time to just go and do some visiting and see what was going on everywhere else but wanted to see Alieta to find out if anything new was going on... Chapter 1 Ivy's Old Friends Ivy was trying to get some things adjusted in the forest but couldn't get her mind off going to her old forest. She asked Sara if she would take care of things for her because she didn't want Samantha to think she didn't even try to help her out. Sara said no problem seeing she liked being in charge of the cove and was getting pretty good at controlling the magic now. She told Ivy that Tillia was riding around with Viridian on her horse and would probably end up at the palace for lunch anyways and she would see them there. Ivy then flew off to get Tobias at his place. When she got there she found Fawn sitting out on a lawn chair reading one of Alieta's books. Hi Fawn, is Tobias home? asked Ivy. Yep he is inside trying to figure out what to get for his bedroom. Seems like he is not the decorating type, said Fawn. Did you know that Alexa and her team would travel many miles to help out other places that needed their help. Sometimes it would take them three days to get there. Nope I didn't know that, said Ivy. I thought they just did stuff around here. So you havn't read any of Alieta's books then, said Fawn. No but maybe I should some time, said Ivy. Yes you should, said Fawn. They are good friends of yours so it would be a good idea to learn more about them, said Fawn. Ivy was now starting to feel a bit ashamed seeing that Fawn was learning more about them and she barely knew them. Well I am sure Alieta has some of these books in her library now so borrow one or two of them and read up. The stories are amazing, said Fawn. Okay I will, said Ivy then went inside to get Tobias. She found him sitting on his bed looking around the room. Hi Tobias, what are you doing? Just can't figure out what I need to fix this room some, said Tobias. I can tell it is kinda bare and Sally and Fawns room has lots of girl stuff in their rooms but I am not into what they bought, he said. Well I will take you shopping and help you. Sitting here is the wrong way of doing things but now I need you to come with me so we can help our your parrents, said Ivy. Really where are we going? he asked. To my old forest. I need to see if the sprites and pixies there will move to your mother's forest. Oh okay, is it far away? asked Tobias. Not as the sprite flies, said Ivy then grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the house. 01 illustration goes here Okay bye Fawn, Ivy is in control of me so see you later, said Tobias then they flew away. Fawn just smiled and was glad Ivy finally got him out of house. They flew out to the north end of Fae Land first then turned due west and Ivy noticed that some of the land had changed with more small towns and villages here and there. There was also a dirt road that was heading what looked like to her old forest and it had people on horses coming and going on it so they flew higher to stay out of sight. She could now see the forest ahead and noticed that it didn't look much bigger which concerned her seeing there were pixies and some forest sprites in there too so the place should be a bit bigger by now anyways. They flew down and landed in the middle of the forest but could hear people talking and what sounded like arrows hitting trees. Hey you two get up here fast, someone said from above. Ivy looked up and saw a sprite waving them up. They flew up and sat on a big branch. What were you two doing down there during the day. The hunters shoot anything that moves, said the sprite. Oh we didn't know, said Ivy. We are not from here. Another sprite flew over and looked at Ivy. Oh my goodness, it is Ivy! she said. Ivy recognized her but for got her name. It is me Kendra, we used to play together. Now Ivy remember her and smiled. So last I heard you moved to Fae Land, said Kendra. We were all worried about you when you disappeared and never showed your pretty little face anymore. Yep I live there now and have lots of new friends now, said Ivy. Good, that is what Kevin told us when he went looking for you. Who is Kevin, asked Ivy. Oh one of the pixies that didn't like the idea of a forest sprite leaving the forest. Took him a while but he found you in Fae Land and it looked like you were now living in a huge building, said Kendra. Yes when I first got there the woods were not big enough for me to sleep in a tree. Alieta made me stay in the palace at night with Viridian that is one of my best friends now. Yes I know, said Kendra. Kevin stayed very tiny and listen to everything that was going on with you until he saw Pippa. Then he came back here. Why did Pippa scare him or something. Oh no not at all but once he saw that you were friends with Pippa then he knew you would be just fine. Pippa is amazing you know, said Kendra. Ivy smiled and said yes she is my very best friend. You are best friends with the queen of the pixies! Wow you are so lucky, said Kendra. 02 illustration goes here So what is going on here that we have to hide in the trees? asked Ivy. Well first lets go to where the others are. It is safer there because the forest is too thick for humans to get through easily, said Kendra. They flew above the trees and there was a clearing in the middle of some very thick tree growth and Kendra led them down. Ivy looked around and saw a bunch of sprites sitting on the ground and some in the trees surrounding them. Suddenly a pixie showed up and got big. Hi Kevin look who showed up and looks like she has a very cute boyfriend. Ivy! Your back, said Kevin. Then he thought for a second. But why are you back, you were in Fae Land? Well I still live there, said Ivy but I came here to see how things were doing here and if you would possibly help out Tobias's mother. What do you mean help his mother? asked Kevin. More sprites came flying over to see what was going on. Oh my it is Ivy, who is the cute guy she is with? Ivy could hear them saying to each other as she looked around. Well to let you know what is going on here, those stupid humans are making our life miserable. All day long they are in the woods hunting, cutting down trees to make camp fires. Some leave when it gets dark and some sleep over night. So I would say all and all things are bad, said Kevin. Ivy looked around and saw some familar faces but none of them looked happy like she remembered. So what is this help you mentioned? asked Kevin. Well move to Tobias's family's forest, said Ivy. There is a big forest there in the middle of their land with some pixies living in it and it is getting magical with pixie dust. No one is allowed to hunt in that forest and the land is protected by Tobias's mother and father and three other sprites that are amazing warriors, said Ivy. You mean the amazing five, said one sprite from behind Ivy. We have heard about them but didn't know where they lived. Well actually not that far from here, said Ivy. You could get there in less than thirty minutes by air. A pixie could get there in two minutes probably. Really! well what are we waiting for? Lets get the heck out of here, some one said. Everyone started to get all excited. Okay said Kevin, sounds great to me. Let me round up all the pixies and we will catch up and follow you there. Well if you want, pixies are much faster so just fly due south and you can't miss it, said Tobias. Okay good plan, said Kevin. Time to start living again! 03 illustration goes here Chapter 2 Tempressa Gets Surprised Tempressa rode straight out to the palace after having breakfast. Ktara saw her ride past her fast so she got on her horse and followed Tempressa to see what was wrong. Tempressa got to the palace and saw Alieta and Ginger checking the sun dial. She got off her horse and walked over to them. Soon Ktara showed up then ran over to see what was going on. Hi Temperssa, Ktara. What is going on? asked Alieta. I don't know I just saw her pass my place fast so I followed her, said Ktara. Well nothing is going on, that is what's up, said Tempressa. I am dying of boredom at home and needed to get out and see if anything new was going on here, said Tempressa. Ginger smiled. Well not at this very moment but yes lots has happened since the last we have seen you. Good, said Tempressa fill me in, I am all ears. Well here is one of the new things that is new and Alieta pointed towards Viridian and Tillia coming fast. Tempressa looked and saw Viridian being followed by a white horse. Okay so Viridian has gotten a new white horse, said Tempressa. Well first of all that is not hers. Oh really, then whos? asked Tempressa. Tillia is Sara's, said Alieta that now was some having fun with Tempressa. Did you say Tillia? asked Tempressa. Tillia is a unicorn from what I remember. Yep and she is amazing, said Ginger. In a few more moments Viridain and Tillia reached them. Hi everyone. What was the big rush about? asked Viridian. We saw you two going fast to the palace while we were running around in Eden. Tempressa said nothing, she just was staring at Tillia. Tempressa was bored, that's all, said Ktara. Viridian smiled then got off her horse. Ginger said that Tillia here belongs to Sara. Is that true? asked Tempressa. Yep, isn't she a beauty. Well yes she is, it is Tillia, said Tempressa. When did this all happen? asked Tempressa. Oh not too long ago. She lives with us now, said Viridian. Tillia, meet out friend Tempressa, she is really cool, literally. Hello Tempress, nice to meet you, said Tilla. Wow so it is true, you can talk, said Tempressa. Well of coarse, said Tillia. How do you think I can communicate with Sara when she is on me? So Sara can ride you? asked Tempressa. Yep she is my companion and we are great together, said Tillia. So you are the girl that can freeze stuff right? asked Tillia. Yes I am the Ice Queen, said Tempressa. Oh a very impressive title, said Tillia. 04 illustration goes here I can do some magic too but only when Sara is here except for healing, that I can do any time, said Tillia. Okay I get that, I read that you are only as powerful as your companion, said Tempressa. Sara is very strong and quite smart too so you two must be able to do amazinig things together. Yep she is perfect for me, said Tillia. Just then Yeanny appeared and said hello to Alieta. Hello Yeanny. How are things with you and the little one? asked Alieta. Oh really good, Alexa is teaching Sakura and the other little girls at the school. She really loves it there, said Yeanny. Um who is this? asked Tempressa. She appeared out of no where. Oh I am Yeanny, nice to meet you. So Alieta, I came here to asked you if there was someone that could show me where some of the heroes lived. I would love to meet them but not alone, said Yeanny. Well these are three of them right here, Viridian, Ktara and Tempressa, said Alieta. Really! How exciting, said Yeanny. I have heard some amazing stories about Alexa's team. You three must be very brave and special. Well you must be special too, seeing you just appeared out of no where, said Tempressa. Yes, how did you do that? asked Ktara. Oh I am a wizard, said Yeanny. A wizard! both Ktara and Tempressa said at the same time. Ginger was trying her hardest not to laugh. Yep, Merlin has been giving me lessons, said Yeanny. Merlin comes here to teach you too, said Tempressa. I think I have to sit down. Well you wanted to know what was going on, said Alieta. Yes but a unicorn and a wizard living in Fae Land now was very unexpected, said Tempressa. Oh and fairy nymphs too, there is a bunch of them living in the Untamed Forest, said Ginger. You mean those little people that create plants? asked Tempressa. Yep they live really close to me and Viridain. They are so cute, said Ktara. Now I do have to sit down, said Tempressa and walked over to the steps to sit. Well do you think she has had enough new news yet or should we tell her about Sakura, plus Gwyneira and Tamari, said Alieta. Maybe we should hold off for now, said Ginger. Who are they? asked Viridian and Ktara. Oh Gwyenira is a witch and Tanari is a wizard. They don't live here though but they are friends of mine, said Yeanny and Sakura is my little girl that is very special. Special how, asked Ktara. Oh I made her and god shared my soul with her so she wouldn't become evil then Cindy blessed the two of us that separated us so she wouldn't sleep everytime I went away and she can disappear plus fly super fast like a pixie almost, said Yeanny. Ktara and Viridian looked at each other. I think we need to sit down now too, said Ktara and they both went and joined Tempressa on the steps. What is wrong with them? asked Tillia. To much information at once I think, said Alieta. They will be okay soon. 05 illustration goes here Okay so Yeanny, just so you know. Viridian is the elf that has the powerful spear and can go invisible, Ktara is the amazing tracker plus great cook and Tempressa is the girl that can freeze things, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Yeanny. Now if you come by here more often you will get to meet the rest of the team eventually, said Alieta. Okay good to know, said Yeanny. So lets go over there and see how they are doing, said Alieta. Alright, said Yeanny and Tillia. They walked over and Yeanny sat down in front of them as they were still talking among them selves. Alieta sat beside Ktara and Tillia just laid down to relax and of coarse Ginger sat beside her and started patting Tillia. So Yeanny, how powerful a wizard are you? asked Tempressa. Oh pretty strong and getting stronger, said Yeanny. See, and she made two small fire balls in each hand. Just then Phonixa and Repellia came out of the palace. Hey look she can do what you do Phonixa, said Repellia. Yeanny quickly threw both fire balls over her shoulder behind her. Hey watch where you are thowing those things, said Tara that just landed behind her. Oops sorry Tara, said Yeanny. The two sisters started to laugh. Well they don't seem shocked at all, said Yeanny. Oh we are used to wierd stuff happening here now, said Phonixa. So why is everyone sitting on the steps, asked Repellia. Oh just resting, said Alieta. They all just heard about all the new people here plus there is Yeannys's friend the witch and her boyfriend the wizard. Just soaking it all in I supose. Wow a real witch. Can we meet her? asked Phonixa. Well she lives pretty far away but she will be back to visit soon I feel, said Yeanny. Okay we will wait. Move over every one, said Repellia. Well this is a sight said Tara. Never seen this many people sitting on the steps before. All you need now is Sakura to come and entertain you all. Might as well join you all. Ya that would be fun, said Ginger. Who is Sakura? asked Phonixa. Oh she is my daughter, said Yeanny. She has a magical way of making people smile and even laugh with out her even trying. My little pink angel. Pink? asked Repellia. Yep lots of pink, said Yeanny. She is in school right now though so it will be a while before she will be home yet. But school hasn't started yet, said Repellia. Oh Alexa is teaching her at the school with the three youngest fairy nymphs, said Yeanny. Alexa is their teacher? Talk about becoming a scollar in one short week, said Tempressa. Well two more weeks but they seem long to me, said Yeanny. It just makes me feel so good when she is around. Funny, most parrents are glad to get rid of their kids for half the day, said Tempressa. Oh you will see when you meet her, said Yeanny. Just seven years old and a bundle of joy. Everyone smiled. Okay we are definately not moving until we meet her too, said Repellia. 06 illustration goes here While everyone was waiting at the palace for Sakura to get out of school, all the girls were listening closely to Alexa and now she was teaching them how to add and subtract. She wrote simple addition questions on the board like one plus two and three plus four but didn't give them the answers. Now try and figure out the answers your self first then I will check and see how you did. Use you fingers to count if you have to. The girls went to work on their papers and all started counting fingers to get the answer. When they were all done Alexa checked each of their papers and saw they all got the answers correct. Okay very good girls now seeing you all learned how to count to twenty last week, I am going to put a harder question on the board for you all to try and answer, said Alexa. Alexa wrote down eight plus nine. Okay girls try you best, said Alexa. They started counting fingers but Nissie, Fettie and Setta looked like they were stuck. The three girls looked at Sakura and saw she was also counting the toes on her left foot. They all started to do the same. Alexa couldn't help but laugh a bit. Okay all done they said. Alexa checked their answers and all were correct again. So what do we do when we run out of fingers and toes? asked Nessie. Well you won't need to add that way any more, said Alexa when you learn how to count to one hundred. Wow all they way to one hundred, said Fettie. That sounds hard. Well not as hard as you think, said Alexa. You see it will be very easy to see how numbers get higher than twenty. Now tweny looks like this and she wrote it on the board. Now to go one number higher you just change the zero to a one, That is twenty one. Change the one to a two then you have twenty two and so on until you get two twenty nine. Then what? asked Setta. Well simple, You change the two to a three then change the nine to a zero then you have thirty, then just start all over again until you get to fourty then fifty and so on until you get to one hundred that looks likes this then Alexa wrote one hundred on the board. Oh I see, said Sakura that is kinda easy and makes sense. Yep we get it too, said the other girls. They did some more questions in both addition and subtraction and Alexa noticed they stopped counting fingers and toes. 07 illustration goes here Okay it is time for lunch said an elf that opened the classroom door. The girls all ran out to the cafateria. Alexa, there may be a problem with the art room, come and see please. Alexa followed her there and saw that the room had a lot of unfinished work still on easels and a partly worked on sculpture. Well we shouldn't disturb this work in progress, said Alexa. Well the paintings are all dry so we can cover them for now and put them over there with the other blank canvases then cover or move the Sculture out of the way for now. Then clean all the brushes and get things set up but that will take some time because we don't want to ruin any of the kids work so it will have to be done carefully and slowly, said the elf. The art teacher should of done this himself but maybe the paint wasn't dry yet or something. We can have it all ready for you tomorrow though. Okay that will be fine, said Alexa. I will just let the girls go home early today. My I wish you were my teacher back when I went to school. A teacher would never let the students off early. Just give us a surprise test of something, said the elf. Well I am a different type of teacher, said Alexa. Yes I heard, you are going to be teaching the older ones now during regular school. That is so exciting. I told all my friends that you may be a teacher here now. Well I haven't said yes yet but I think I will do it, said Alexa. Teaching is a lot of fun. Good, said the elf I have friends that have kids that would love to see you and learn from you too. So far they are barely passing. They tend to skip a lot, said the elf. So Mrs. Parker told me. Well it will be interesting to see if things improve, said Alexa. Oh they will, said the elf then they both went to get something to eat. After everyone had eaten they all went back to the classroom. Okay girls, todays plan to start art lessons has to wait until tomorrow. So today you can go home early. So be good and remember your lessons. The girls all smiled then left quickly. Okay so I suppose I should head back home too, thought Alexa. 08 illustration goes here Chapter 3 The New Home Ivy and Tobias led the way to the new forest and soon the pixies caught up to them all. Kevin said that you went from a sad person to a hero to us all. We all never stopped loving you but we knew that you had to leave. You may of done things what we thought was the wrong way of healing but it all worked out in the end Ivy. Ivy smiled and thanked him. So you all go ahead. You will see the forest soon so just go in and tell them that Samantha asked you to come and live with them and there are sprites coming too. Samantha says the pixies there are very friendly and love to play. Well playing will be nice to do again, said Kevin. It has been a long time since we have been able to do that also. Then off Kevin went with all the pixies following him. In a bit Ivy could see the forest dead ahead. Okay everyone we are almost there. Kendra came up beside Ivy. You are like our queen you know. Look at everyone following you, said Kendra. Well I am already the queen of the forest and all the plants in Fae Land, said Ivy. Well you are our queen too, said Kendra. At least we can talk back to you in english and play too. Ivy smiled. Okay every one, here we are. Make your self at home and we will go find Samantha. They all flew into the big forest then Ivy and Tobias went to find Samantha. 09 illustration goes here They saw a big place with three smaller homes close to it. That is probably their place. Mom likes big nice things, said Tobias. They flew down and Tobias walked in without knocking. Hello, mom dad are you here. They both came out and saw the two of them standing there smiling. Well hello son welcome to our new home, said Dallas. Nice place don't you think, your mother did all the decorating. Yep your father is not much on decore, said Samantha. My my is this Ivy, the girl your mother told me so much about. Yep, said Tobias. Nice catch son, said Dallas. Samantha elbowed Dallas in the ribs. That is no way to talk to Tobias's girl friend, said Samantha. Yes you are right but look at her she is beautiful, said Dallas. Well yes she is gorgeous but still be civil. Yes dear, said Dallas. Ivy was being a bit quiet seeing Tobias's father for the first time but had to get down to business. Okay Samantha, a promiss is a promiss and I am not one to break a promiss so I kept my promiss, said Ivy. Um what are you talking about dear? asked Samantha. The sprites and pixies. I brought them all here in your forest, said Ivy. Really they are all here now and sprites also! said Samantha. Yep, lots of them, said Ivy. 10 illustration goes here Well Ivy you never cease to amaze me. You are a true queen of the forest, said Samantha. Well all the sprites here are now telling me I am their queen too, said Ivy. All I did was take them from a bad place and bring them to a better safe place. Well yes and you should be a queen to them. You did exactly what it takes for people to want you as their queen, said Samantha. Making people safe and happy is very queen like, just like Alieta. You have learned a lot form her and you did this for you friends not even thinking twice about it. You see Dalas, Tobias is dating royalty. Yes I see that now, okay let me round up the other three and lets all greet the new arrivals, said Dallas. He went out and got Rasta, Merri and Soni and told them the good news then they all flew over to the forest. There was a lot going on in the forest with laughing and talking plus lots of pixies and sprites flying around playing. Well they all seemed to have gotten to know each other fast, said Samantha. Yep, all a pixie needs to know is if you like to play and if you say yes then you are a friend right away, said Ivy. Wow wish the rest of the world was like that, said Rasta. By the way Ivy you did a very good thing for us here. We will never forget it. Some of the sprites saw them all standing there including Kendra. Look everyone it is the amazing five. All the sprites flew over over to see them. Wow there are quite a lot of them, said Samantha and a few forest sprites too. Look, Samantha looks really strong, said Kendra. She must be a great warrior. I wish I could be like her, said the sprite. That gave Samantha an idea. Well welcome every one to our new land, sprites and pixies alike. We will do our best to keep all of you safe from anything bad. There is no hunting allowed in this forest but human are allowed to come in and play if they want. Yeah, we all love to play, all the pixies said at once. Told you, playing is the ticket in, said Ivy. Yes I see that , said Samantha. 11 illustration goes here Now can I talk to you three sprites in private? asked Samantha.You three can pass on what I say to the others. The three sprite followed Samantha to the edge of the forest. Okay now there is a special offer I would like to give the sprites for those that want it. Those that wish to train and become protectors of this land will be rewarded with a new house of your own or share one with a friend. You will be trained in how to use a bow and arrow and taught basic skills in air comat. Now do not worry if things look grim at times because Alieta, the queen of Fae Land has promissed to help us at any time. Just one very fast pixie can give her the message then her massive winged army will be here to help with in minutes. Fae Land is not far away. Wow that sounds good but what is a house, asked a sprite. Samantha smiled. Well it is a home that has walls and a roof to live a sleep in like the houses Merri, Rasta and Soni have over there, said Samantha. You never have to worry about getting wet when it rains and it has a thing called a kitchen where you can cook real food and not just nectar and candy cane. Wow that does sound nice, they said and started talking among them selves then flew back the the rest of the sprites. You know, the only thing missing is a party, said Samantha. I know Alieta would have one but I don't have the food and resources she has. Um if I can get a few fairies to come here then maybe we can have a party, said Ivy. Yes that would work. Are you sure they would come? asked Samantha. Yep I am sure, they love doing magic for everyone, said Ivy. Okay then go now and I will get things started here, said Samantha. Ivy took off and Samantha asked Rasta, Merri and Soni to let the human farmers and builders on our land about the party and tell them it will be something they will never forget. Okay boss and they took off. Okay everyone, in celebration of you all coming here, Ivy is going to throw an amazing party for every one outside of our home. She has many friends and some of them are real fairies with magic wands and everything. Yeah, they all yelled even though most of them didn't know what a party was. 12 illustration goes here Chapter 4 Bundles Of Joy The four little girls got outside of the school and wondered what they should do now that they were out early. Well I am going home to see mom and see what she is doing, said Sakura. Oh can we come too? asked Nessie. I guess so, said Sakura but shouldn't you tell Hennie first. She might get mad if she finds out we got out of school early and you didn't go home first. Oh I will go tell her, said Setta. I will meet you at your place so wait for me please. Okay, said Sakura and off she flew. Okay lets all go see Yeanny, said Sakura then they flew off too. When they reached Sakura's place Yeanny wasn't outside. She must be inside, said Sakura. Sakura tried to open the door but it was locked. Don't you have something to open it? asked Nessie. Nope mom has the ony key, said Sakura. How come? asked Nessie. Well where would I keep it anyways, said Sakura. Ya that would be a problem with that outfit, said Fettie. Well mom told me that if I came home and she wasn't here then I was to go to the palace and Alieta would look after me until she got back from what ever she was doing. Okay, lets go there then, said Nessie. Well we have to wait for Setta first, said Sakura. Oh ya, I forgot, said Nessie. So what do we do while we are waiting for her? Well we can play your it, said Sakura. What is that? asked Fettie. Well some one is it first then the others, fly around and the person that is it tries to touch one of us making that person it. That is not fair, you are way faster than us, said Nissie. Oh ya, I forgot, said Sakura. How come we forget so much but Alexa says we are really smart at school? asked Nessie. I don't know, said Sakura. Well lets just sit and wait for Setta to come back. She won't be long, said Fettie. Okay, lets practice counting, said Sakura. In a few minutes Setta got to Sakura's place. So what are you three doing? asked Setta. Just waiting for you, said Sakura. What did Hennie say? She said it was fine just to behave and listen to Yeanny and do what she says. Oh, we can do that, said Nessie. Well mom isn't home so we have to go to the palace, said Sakura. That is what she told me to do when she is out. Okay lets go and see what is going on there, said Nessie and off the four of them went. 13 illustration goes here When they got close to the palace they saw that a bunch of people were sitting on the palace steps and Yeanny was sitting in front of them all. Look Tillia is there too, said Setta. Okay lets go see what they are talking about, said Sakura and they all flew down to the palace. Hi mom, we got out of school early. Alexa said something about the art room wasn't ready yet for us so we went to our place but you weren't there so we came here like you told me to do when you were out, said Sakura. Yeanny smiled. Well ya, I am glad you remembered, said Yeanny. Phonixa and Repellia stood up and Repellia said, my goodness she is cute and nice pink hair too. The two of them walked over to Sakura. Hello. I am Repellia and this is my sister Phonixa. Hello, said Sakura. You two are very pretty. Nice brown hair too, good and long, maybe I should grow my pink hair longer. Do you two like to play? asked Sakura. Now everyone was smiling. Well yes we do play sometimes, said Phonixa. Good because it is one of two things that are my most favorite, said Sakura. Oh so what is your other favorite thing, asked Pnonixa. Ice cream of coarse silly. It is the best, said Sakura with a big smile. Alieta looked at Tempressa that now had a big smile on her face. Go ahead and talk to her, said Alieta. She says some of the most unique things. Well she is funny and not even trying to be, said Tempressa. Don't think she has met you two either so get off the steps and go talk to Sakura. It will be fun, I guarentee it, said Alieta. Sakura I want you to meet three of Alexa's friends that are on her team. Come and say hi. Sakura flew over while the three of them were getting off the steps. Sakura stood in front of Ktara first and looked up. Hello Sakura, I am Ktara, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too, I like your hair. The two sisters have nicer hair but yours looks good too, said Sakura. Ktara smiled the looked at Viridain. Sakura moved over to Viridian then look way up. Hello, my name is Viridian. Oh you are Sara and Ivy's friend. They told me you were tall but wow you are really tall. You must eat a lot or something. Well sometimes, said Viridian with a smile then looked at Tempressa that still had a nice smile on her face. Sakura moved in front of Tempresa and looked way up again. Hello, my name is Tempressa, it is nice to meet you. Sakura smiled at her and said, you have beautiful hair. Best of everyones, even mine. You have a very nice smile too it makes your face glow. You are very tall also, you must eat at Viridian's place, you both are very tall. I like your top, kind of pinkish, do you like my pink outfit, my favorite colour is pink, is your favorite colour pink too? I can tell you are special, my Mom says I am special too, do you like to play? Do you want to hear a riddle I just made up? Okay, I am good at riddles, said Tempressa. What kind of room has no windows or a door? asked Sakura. Lets see, well all rooms have to have at least a door, is this a trick question? asked Tempressa. Nope, no tricks, said Sakura. Well I give up, what is the answer? asked Tempressa. A mushroom silly, said Sakura. Tempressa started to laugh. Sorry I couldn't help it, she is so funny, said Tempress. Like I said, she is my bundle of joy, said Yeanny. 14 illustration goes here Show her a bit of your magic Tempressa, said Ktara. Well I need something to freeze first, said Tempressa. Oh I can make tulips now, said Nessie. Can you freeze tulips? Yes that is very easy, said Tempressa. Okay watch, watch this, said Nessie. She made a bunch of tulips then stood back. See not just red anymore, pretty good right, said Nessie proudly. Yes very pretty, now I will freeze them but don't worry they will thaw out and not be harmed, said Tempressa. Okay, it is not nice to hurt pretty flowers, said Nessie. The four little girls were all looking at the tulips then Tempressa pointed at them and froze the entire bunch of them. Wow that is awesome, said Nessie. Sakura and Nessie touch a leaf. Yep frozen stiff, said Sakura. Nice magic, very cold nice magic but still nice magic, said Nessie. Tempressa smile at them all. The four girls sat by the tulips and found that if they blew on them, they thawed faster. They were all blowing at the tulips and watching with amazment as they thawed. Well Tempressa. Looks like you are a hit with them, said Alieta. Yep, the young ones are always the easiest to please, said Tempressa. Well only two of them are young, said Alieta. Sakura is seven, Nissie is ten but Fettie and Setta are much older. Not sure how old but around a hundred years anyways, said Alieta. No way, said Tempressa. They all look like children. Yep and always will for many centuries, said Alieta. Even Nessie's mother only looks to be in her twenties yet she knew Zan back when things were good and you know how far back she goes, said Alieta. So girls, seeing you all got out of school early, does Hennie know where you all are? asked Yeanny. Well sort of, said Setta. I went and told her we got out early and we were all going to Sakura's house but yeanny wasn't home and the door was so Sakura said we had to come here and stay with Alieta. So she dosn't really know that you all are here, said Yeanny. Nope, I guess not, said Setta. But you are here and that is really close to being at your place, sort of, I think, well maybe not, are we in trouble? asked Setta. My they are all funny, said Tempressa. Well no not in trouble but someone should of flew back and told her where you all moved too. Ya we know but were excited to come to the palace and when we got here you wanted Sakura to meet Ktara, Viridian and Tempressa, plus the two pretty sisters wanted talk to here too, we just forgot. We forget things sometimes you know, said Setta. Okay I get it, this is partly my falt too, said Yeanny. I am sure Hennie will figure out where you are. In the mean time go out there and play some while us big people talk a bit. Okay they all said then flew off to the middle of the palace grounds. 15 illustration goes here Chapter 5 The Magical Party And Fix Ivy got to the forest then went straight to the cove where she found Tulip. Tulip can you come and help me at Tobias's parents new place? Why what is going on there? asked Tulip. They are having a celebration and I would like you to make the food and music for everyone, said Ivy. Okay but what are they celebrating? asked Tulip. Well I went to my old forest and met a bunch of my old friends there and they were having problems with hunters and stuff so I took them to the big forest in Samantha's land which I promissed her I was going to do when she was here and now she wants to have a celebration for them, said Ivy. Samantha is not set up to have a party and feed people that live on her property so I figured you could help, said Ivy. There are lots of pixies and sprites there plus all the other people are humans. Maybe get Pippa to come too, said Tulip. Yes they all know she is the queen too, said Ivy. She called out for Pippa, "Pippa, come have some fun". Pippa showed up real fast. Fun, what kind of fun Ivy? Party time fun in the forest at Samantha's place, said Ivy. I brought all the pixies and sprites form my old forest to theirs. Oh okay, I go there from time to time. Very nice pixies there, said Pippa. Well lots more now and lots of sprites too, said Ivy. Really, sounds like it is going to be fun, said Pippa. Okay Ivy sounds like more than one fairy will be needed, said Tulip. Pippie, Lilly, want to go with us? You bet, thought you would never ask, said Pippie. Okay then lets all go and get things set up, said Tulip and they all flew off to Samantha's forest. Chestnut flew into the cove and saw Sara alone by the overviewer. Where is everyone? asked Chestnut. Ivy is having a party over in Samantha' land and took Tulip, Lilly, Pippie and Pippa with her, said Sara. Why didn't you go? asked Chestnut. No one asked me but I would rather stay here anyways, I hardly know anyone there, said Sara. Well seeing they are gone why don't you go to the palace. There is nothing to do here plus there is always something happening at the palace. Ya okay, good idea then Sara flew out of the cove. 16 illustration goes here When they all got there Samantha was getting the gounds ready for the party. Kevin and Kendra was there also helping. Hi everyone, told you they would come, said Ivy. Oh good, that means I don't have to set up any tables then. Nope we got that covered, said Tulip. So nice place you have here. Has lots of room for growth. Yep we have big plans for this place, said Samantha. Kevin saw Pippa and looked at Kendra. Do you think it would be okay if I went and talked to her, he asked. Well she is your queen so why not, said Kendra. He pushed back his hair and staightened his clothes then flew over to Pippa. Hello Pippa, my name is Kevin and it is very nice to finally meet you. My look at you a male pixie, a very rare breed, said Pippa. Well it is nice to meet you too. I see you have a forest sprite over there as a friend also, said Pippa. Yes that is Kendra, one of Ivys old friends before she disappeared, said Kevin. Well wave her over, I would like to meet one of Ivy's old friends. A friend of Ivy's is a friend of mine, said Pippa. Kevin waved her over and Kendra flew over to them. So look at you a very pretty forest sprite like my Ivy, said Pippa. Yep, and I have heard many stories about you from all the other pixies that live with us, said Kendra. They all say you are a very nice and helpful queen. So Ivy, this was one of your friends I was told. Yep, Kendra was really good at playing and always it was always fun with her around, said Ivy. She is a bit older than me though. No secrets either, said Ivy. Well seems like all you forest sprites dress the same way, said Pippa. Yep, the girls do but the guys don't like to dress the same as each other, said Kendra. There are male forest sprites here too? asked Pippa. Yes but just two, they both have girlfriends, said Kendra. Okay here comes some of the humans from the farms and the small town so someone go tell everyone in the forest to come out and lets get this party started, said Samantha. Ivy you take charge of the party. Really, I have never thrown a party before, said Ivy. Niether have I but you have probably been to lots of Alieta's parties, said Samantha. Just do what she does, you will do great. I want to mingle and get to know some of these sprites and meet some of the farmers too. Kevin went into the woods and told everyone the party was starting. Tulip looked and saw a swarm of pixies and sprites coming. Wow there is a lot of them, she said to Pippie. Yep good thing there is three of us, said Pippie. Better get the music going then Pippie and Lilly went to either end and started the music. The pixies and sprites didn't need to be told anything else as they just started dancing and playing together to the music as more and more human families showed up and joined in. 17 illustration goes here One last wagon was coming up that had four people in it. Wonder who that is? asked Samantha. Oh that is the Morgan family, said a man that does carpentry work. The little girl is just seven but she rarely talks. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong with her. They say physically she is fine. Samantha called Ivy over. You see that wagon that is almost here. Yep, nice people coming, said Ivy. Yes they are but the little girl is only seven and she hardly talks. The doctors can't find anything wrong with her. Oh that is sad, said Ivy. Yes it is but I know you can see things that the doctor could never see, said Samantha. Oh okay so you want me to read her? asked Ivy. Well not really just have a look around and see if you find something wrong, said Samantha. The doctors say it is not physical so just go slow with her. Okay, said Ivy. The two of them walked over and Samantha greeted them all as they got out of the wagon. Hello Samantha, said the mother. We brought our little girl here to see if it would cheer her up some. Yes we heard that she hardly talks, said Samantha. Yes and hardly smiles either, said the mother. Well this is Ivy and she is from Fae Land. She has a very special talent that may help some, said Samantha. Okay, said the mother. We have tried everything with her. Okay Ivy do your thing and remember, slowly, said Samanath. Ivy walked up to the girl and looked at her for a brief second. Hello Kimberly, very nice name you have. Kimberly looked at Ivy as if to think how did she know my name. My name is Ivy and I am a very special forest sprite, at least that is what every one tells me but I feel normal myself. Then Ivy smiled at her. Kimberly got a bit of a smile showing. Now I am just going to do a little bit of sprite magic for you and this will not hurt a bit, okay? Kimberly nodded her head. Ivy looked at her just a bit at first then much deeper. Well the doctors were right she is a very healthy little girl and has no secrets plus has a pure white soul, said Ivy. You can tell that from just looking at her? asked the mother. Yep now let me check one more thing, said Ivy. Ivy got close to Kimberly's face and look right into her eyes. Kimberly smiled a bit more. Okay found it, said Ivy. Found what? asked the Mother. Well I don't know what it is called but let me call a friend over. Ivy waved over Lilly that flew over right away. Yes Ivy what is it? asked Lilly. Well I just found something in this girl. I don't know what to call it but it is hurting her and making it hard for her to talk. Now if you touch me and I let you read what I saw can you see that in me? asked Ivy. Yes as long as you let me that will be good enough. Okay here take my arm. Lilly grabbed Ivys arm and in less than a minute she let go. Okay got it, said Lilly. I can fix that. She needs to lay down on her back though. The mother got Kimberly to lay on her back Lilly made her wand appear. Kimber now had a pretty big smile and said, fairy. Yes dear I am a fairy and I am going to take that pain away for ever. Now just close your eyes and think of nice things. Kimberly closed her eyes and was still smiling a bit. Lilly put the wand right on her forehead while she had her other hand on top of Kimberly's head. The wand lit up very bright and Lilly kept it there for at least a full minute then the wand went dim and she removed her hand. Okay she can sit up now, said Lilly. 18 illustration goes here Lilly stood up and Kimberly slowly got to her feet. So Kimberly, how do you feel now? asked Lilly. Kimberly threw her arms around Lilly and said, fairy magic is very good. My she has never spoken that load before, said the mother. Mom she is a real fairy, she stopped my head from hurting, said Kimberly. The mother almost started to cry. Yes dear a real lovely magical fairy, she said to Kimberly. Mom I am hungry can we eat now? asked Kimberly. Well that is a good sign, said Samantha. Well food is being made right now so go with your brother and get something to eat, said Lilly. Kimberly's brother came and took her by the hand and headed towards the crowd. That was amazing, said the father. I don't understand what just happened but look she is happy and talking now. Well there was a thing called a tumor growing in her brain and it was causing her pain and as the tumor grew it was effecting her speech and a few other things. Eventually it would of grow too big and she would of died. All gone now though and will never come back, said Lilly. Brain tumors are very had to find and I would not of been able to locate myself but Ivy has super strong insight and was able to find it and show it to me. Well then thanks to both of you, how can we ever repay you. Oh fairies and sprites don't require money for doing these types of things. Just take good care of her, said Lilly. Us fairies have three main types of good magic. We can heal, we can make tasty food and we can build almost anything, said Lilly. Now go out there and enjoy the party. Yes we will now, Rasta say it will be a party we would never forget and she was absolutely right. Lets go dear, we have something to celebrate now also and they both joined the party. Well you two did a very good job here today for them, said Samantha. Well it was you that knew to get Ivy here to read her. So we all did good today for them, said Lilly. Okay lets go have some fun, said Lilly and they joined in also. 19 illustration goes here Chapter 6 Gwyneira Visits Again Sara flew over from the forest and said hello to everyone. So where is Ivy? asked Alieta. Oh she left early to bring some old friends to Samantha's place with Tobias then came back later and took Tulip, Pippie and Lilly there too for some kind of celebration that they were having. Oh really, you mean a party? asked Alieta. Yep I guess so and she also said something about them making her queen of the sprites. Not sure what that was all about, said Sara. Alieta smiled, that girl just keeps getting better and better all the time, said Alieta. Yep, she is the best sister anyone could ask for, said Sara. So what is going on now? Oh not much now, said Alieta. Hennie came by and brought her girls home and Ktara and Viridian went home so we have been just sitting and talking with Yeanny and Sakura plus the sisters while Tempressa is telling them some stories about some of her adventures, said Alieta. Ginger has been keeping Tillia company too. Sara looked at Ginger and smiled at her. Gwyneira appeared and said good, you didn't move this time. Well hello Gwyneira what brings you here? asked Yeanny. Oh we were house hunting today but those two are still complaining too much so no one wanted to deal with them. I brought them back to our place and I figured I will go out my self and find them a place tomorrow, said Gwyneira. Ya figured they wouldn't take becoming normal humans easily, said Yeanny. Is she the witch you talked about? asked Repellia. Yes it is, her name is Gwyniera, said Yeanny. They both ran up to her. So a real one hundred percent witch right? asked Phonixa. Yes I am a witch, she said. We have never seen a real witch before just read about them in Alieta's books but they were bad ones. So do you do magic stuff too. You look like you can plus you look amazing in that outfit. Very witch like, as they both kept talking to Gwyneira back and forth. My these two are adorable also. Where do you find these pretty girls Alieta? asked Gwyneira. Oh they all seem to find me, said Alieta. Well girls yes I am a real witch and I can do magic also but not as good or as strong as Yeanny but I get by for all my needs. Yes I like to dress sexy to keep my man from straying, though you two dress kinda sexy too, said Gwyneira. Ya we got boyfriends too but we always like to look good, said Phonixa. That is good, us girls have an image to up hold, said Gwyneria. Exactly, what would the world be like if all the girls dressed like sheep herders. Everyone laughed. Yes that would be terrible, said Gwyneira. 20 illustration goes here Sakura and Alieta walked over to them. So anything exciting going on here? asked Gwyneira. Well not really but seems like Ivy is having a party in the country beside us, said Alieta. That pretty forest sprite is having a party? asked Gwyneira. She didn't seem like the type to throw one of those. Oh Ivy loves to have fun, said Alieta. Well you know Ivy so lock onto her and pop over and see how they do parties around here, said Yeanny. Do you think she would mind? I would only know her, said Gwyneira. Well Tulip, Lilly and Pippie are there too making the food and probably the music too, said Alieta. You know them also so just mingle in. Do a few safe witch tricks for everyone. I am sure everyone would like to have a real witch do some entertaining, said Yeanny. Hmm never entertained before either. Okay I think I will, said Gwyneira. Sakura got in froint of Gwyneira said bye bye, be a good witch now. Yes I will and you be a good girl. Okay lets shake on it and she put out her hand to shake Gwyneira's hand. My you are such and angel, said Gwyneira. She shook her hand then disappeared. Well that was interesting, said Tempressa. As witches go that has to be the nicest one I have ever seen. Very pretty too. Yep she is cool, said Yeanny. Well that is enough excitement for me, said Tempressa. Got to get home now and see what is going on there. Now expect to see me more often. It seems that all the good stuff happens at the palace. Okay Tempressa, have a nice ride home, said Alieta. Yep and don't freeze anymore flowers, they like it warm the best, said Sakura. Tempressa smiled and said she wouldn't then she went to get her horse. Okay so I am guessing it is getting close to supper, said Alieta. Anyone getting hungry like me? Yep they all said. Good, I am glad Ivy left some fairies here for us, said Alieta. Today is Monday so why don't we all have pizza today. Been a while since they made that for us, said Alieta. Good idea, said Sara. Do you like pizza Tillia. Yep very good food, just need you to cut it up for me, said Tillia. Has Sakura eaten pizza before? asked Alieta. No not yet but I am sure she will like it, said Yeanny. Okay good, pizza it is then, said Alieta. We just have to wait for the fairies to get here. 21 illustration goes here Soon all the remaining fairies came out and set up a table of pizzas for everyone. Tillia ate an entire pizza herself after Sara cut it up for her. Sakura was unsure about the way a pizza looked at first. She said it looked gross but smelled good. After taking a little bite she found that it tasted very good and managed to eat one and a half slices. So where is Tulip, Pippie and Lilly? Misty asked Alieta. Oh they went with Ivy to Samantha's place to set up a party, said Alieta. Oh really a party and no one told us, said Misty. Well it sounded like it was Ivy's party and it was mostly for the pixies and sprites that just moved there today, said Alieta. Oh well that is okay then, said Misty. I wonder how Ivy is doing though, she has never put together a party before and neither has Samantha, said Alieta. Well if those three fairies are there then all will be fine, said Misty. They know how to get a party started and keep it going. Anyways Ivy loves to play and dance so she is going to do just fine also. Ya you are right, said Alieta. Ivy has been to enough of my parties to see how have her own, said Alieta. So how was the pizza, asked Misty. I haven't tried any yet. It looks kinda wierd. Well looks are decieving when it comes to pizza, said Alieta. Just taste a little bit and you will see. Sakura didn't like how it looked either but after a small taste she liked it, said Alieta. Okay I will try some. Everyone else seems to be liking it. Alieta smiled but still was a bit worried about what was going on at Samantha's place. 22 illustration goes here Conclusion The party was doing great as everyone was eating and dancing, just having a good time. The fairies were doing little magic tricks with their wands that every one there found anmazing seeing no one had ever seen a fairy before. Ivy was standing with Tobias watching everyone having a good time when Gwyneira appeared and said hello. So this is what a party looks like, she said to Ivy. Yep, my first one and it is going great, said Ivy. Okay, I see dancing and eating plus magic tricks going on, said Gwyneira. Yes this does look like a lot of fun, do you think I would fit in with this group? I have never been to a party before so just asking, said Gwyneira. Well the forest sprites are wearing sexy outfits, the regular sprites have on sexy outfits. The pixies are wearing pretty sexy outfits too and you well that is some sexy outfit also. I am pretty sure you will have no problem fitting in, said Ivy. Kendra came over and said, this party of yours is fantastic, lots of real food, dancing and magic too, said Kendra. You always were the best at making up games for us to play and now parties too. So who is this hot looking girl with you? Oh this is Gwyneira, she is a witch and a friend, said Ivy. Really a real witch too, do you do magic too? asked Kendra. Yep that is what witches do most of the time, said Gwyneira. Do witches dance also? asked Kendra. Yep I can dance, said Gwyneira. Okay good lets rock it, then Kendra took her by the hand and brought her into the middle of the group. Kimberly and her brother walked up to Ivy. Hi Ivy, my sister wanted to talk to you for a minute. Oh okay, what is it Kimberly? asked Ivy. Well when I felt you inside me I could see a bit inside you, said Kimberly. Okay so what did you see? asked Ivy. Well not a lot but I did see a very beautiful place that you live in or something plus friends, lots and lots of friends. And one more thing that was very beautiful, said Kimberly. Okay and what was that? asked Ivy. A pure white horse with one horn and she could talk, said Kimberly. Was that all my imagination? No not your imagination at all, said Ivy. I do have many friends and Fae Land is very beautiful. The white horse is a unicorn named Tillia and she belongs to my sister. She turned to her brother and said, see I told you it looked like a unicorn, it wasn't my imagination. Ivy smiled so do you believe her now? asked Ivy. Well yes now I do, I thought unicorns were only in fairy tale stories. Well look around you, there are pixies, sprites fairies and even a nice witch out their dancing, said Ivy. This is all real, where do you think fairy tales come from anyways, said Ivy. Wow fairy tales are real, said the brother! I would never of guessed that. Okay thanks Ivy, tell Lilly she is the best fairy doctor in the world for me, said Kimberly then they went back to the party. So Tobias are you ready to join in. You bet he said and they both joined the party. The End 23 illustration goes here